Indian Economic Service

The Indian Economic Service (IES) is a Group A civil service of the Union of India.

The Indian Economic Service (IES) was constituted in 1961 with the objective of having an organized Group ‘A’ Service consisting of a specialized cadre of officers, trained in economic analysis, policy formulation and its implementation. The role of the IES can be broadly categorized in terms economic advice, economic administration, implementation of development programmes, besides dealing with other areas such as economic reforms, regulation, price fixation, and monitoring and evaluation. Constitution of the service was essentially to build capacity within the Government for rendering economic advice on issues of development policy and for playing an active role in economic administration. The launching of economic reforms in 1991 and the proliferation of the regulatory role of the government has led to increase in the need for such advice. The IES officers provide requisite inputs in all sectors of economic activity.

The management of the service is on the basis of the IES Rules, first notified in 1961. The service rules, inter-alia, provide for constitution of the service, specifies the various grades and sanctioned strength therein, future maintenance of the service, appointment, probation, seniority and conditions of service. The comprehensively revised IES Rules 2008 was brought out vide notification 6.6.2008.

The IES is managed by its Cadre Controlling Authority in the Department of Economic Affairs. The Cadre Controlling Authority is advised by the high-level Indian Economic Service Board, headed by the Cabinet Secretary.

In the rapidly globalizing environment, decision-making is increasingly guided by economic rationality. In view of the on-going reforms pursued by the Government of India, the role of IES officers has become all the more significant. Apart from the purely economic sectors, IES officers are now making crucial contribution towards policy making in social sectors also. The IES is expected to play a much greater role in the reforms process currently underway in the Indian economy. To adapt to the emerging requirements, steps are taken for review and restructuring of the service from time to time.

The Cadre strength of IES is periodically reviewed by the IES Board chaired by the Cabinet Secretary and the final Cadre strength is approved by the Cabinet. A review of the IES Cadre was undertaken in 1991. Subsequently, Cadre reviews were undertaken in 2000 and 2005. The present Cadre strength of IES at various grades was approved by the Cabinet in its meeting held on 4.8.2005. The sanctioned strength of the IES Cadre at present is 501, consisting of 461 duty posts and 40 leave reserves. The duty posts are spread over 35 Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.

The civil list details the authorised numbers of posts, and their utilization.[1]

Career Progression: Candidates recommended for IES start their career as Assistant Director/Research Officer. The existing hierarchy in the service is as follows :

(1)Higher Administrative Grade +(*Principal/Chief Adviser ,Equivalent to the level of secretary to the Govt. of India)(2)Higher Administrative Grade (*Senior Economic Adviser / Senior Adviser ,Equivalent to the level of Addl. Secretary to the Govt. of India)(3)Senior Administrative Grade (*Economic Adviser / Adviser ,Equivalent to the level of Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India)(4)Non-Functional Selection Grade (*Director/ Additional Economic Adviser ,Equivalent to the posts of Director in the Government of India)(5)Junior Administrative Grade (*Joint Director/ Deputy Economic Adviser/Deputy Adviser ,Equivalent to the posts of Deputy Secretary to the Government India)(6)Senior Time Scale (*Deputy Director/ Assistant Adviser/ Senior Research Officer ,Equivalent to Under Secretary to the Govt.of India)(7)Junior Time Scale(*Assistant Director/ Research Officer)

Events in 2011

IES officers are organising various events to celebrate Golden Jubilee year of IES. For more see...


  1. ^ [1]